The Actor’s Gym is an amazing concept developed by Killian a few years ago. The actor MUST keep those “muscles” strong. The gym is where you come to work out and practice the lessons you’ve learned in the classes. Auditioning is exactly like a sports competition. You can’t master any talent if you only get to do it every month or so! The gym gives the actor the opportunity to put into practice Killian’s technique in a mock audition setting. This is especially important in the slow months! It is a recurring fee of 40$ a month and it is held twice a week (virtually for now but will eventually be a hybrid).
How it works:
- Sign up
- Every Monday you will receive your sides for Tuesday self-submission (You receive your review Wed or Thurs)
- Friday is "Live Zoom Audition" day (until we have you come to our studio for in-house audition practice). If you don't live in LA the live Zoom will continue.
- Build those audition skills and BOOK BOOK BOOK!!!!
** You do not have to have taken any of Killian’s previous classes to join the gym. It’s open to everyone at all levels ! However, taking the Adult Zoom or the 10 video series before joining the gym will put you at a proper level for competition.